Dr. Oswaldo Lorenzo

Dr. Oswaldo Lorenzo is a tenured Associate Professor and Vice-Dean of Research, International Projects and Transference at the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences (Melilla Campus) of the University of Granada (Spain). He received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Education Sciences (UNED) and the third national prize for educational research 2004 (Ministry of Education and Science, Spain).

Director of the journal Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada (indexed in Web of Science-JCR and Scopus-SJR).


Regular lecturer in different universities in Europe, America and Asia.


Four CNEAI research segments in the area of Educational Sciences.

General coordinator of the ECALFOR project – “Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Quality assurance of education degrees”. European Capacity Building Project.


Principal investigator of the project “ICT Innovation for the Analysis of the Training and Satisfaction of Students and Graduates of Early Childhood and Primary Education and the Assessment of their Employers. A Transnational Perspective”. R+D+i Project of the Operational Program FEDER-Andalusia.


Author of scientific publications in JCR journals: Psicodidáctica, Infancia y Aprendizaje, Comunicar, Educación XX1.

Evaluator of several quality agencies in Spain.

He has coordinated a number of AECID academic cooperation projects in higher education in Latin America, mainly in the Dominican Republic, Mexico and El Salvador.

Lucía Herrera

Lucía Herrera is Ph. D. in Psychology and Full Professor in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the University of Granada (Spain), specifically in the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla. She has taught in the degrees of Education, Psychopedagogy, Social Education as well as in postgraduate studies (master and doctorate). From 2008 to 2016 she has coordinated the Cooperative and Interdepartmental Doctoral Program Research and Educational Innovation in Higher Education (342/5), developed at the University of El Salvador (San Salvador, El Salvador), funded by the Spanish Agency for Cooperation International and Development.

She obtained the Third national prize for educational research 2004, granted by the Center for Educational Research and Documentation (Ministry of Education and Culture). She has actively participated in different research projects (R + D + i), research groups and international projects (i.e., Comenius, Alfa, and Erasmus+).  In relation to her teaching quality, in 2010 the University of Granada awarded her an Award for Teaching Excellence, within the area of Social and Legal Sciences, in the category of teaching seniority under 25 years. Since 2012 she is responsible for the Research Group of the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía Development, Education, Diversity and Culture: Interdisciplinary Analysis-DEDiCA (HUM-742).

She is currently Dean of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla (University of Granada, Spain). Finally, she has developed different university management positions: secretary of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences at the Melilla University Campus (University of Granada), academic coordinator of one of the pilot experiences for the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), coordinator of a University Guidance Office, responsible for one of the Andalusian networks (CIDUA) of the Education degree, etc. She has developed academic and/or research stays in Europe (Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Austria, Romania), America (Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela) and Asia (Thailand).

Hédia Abdelkefi

L’éducation face à l’ordre médiatique dominant

Hédia ABDELKEFI est professeure émérite de littérature française à l’Université de Tunis El Manar où elle a fondé l’Unité de recherche Intermédialité, Lettres et Langages – I2L. Elle est spécialiste de l’œuvre romanesque de Pierre Jean Jouve et de la poésie de Jean de Sponde. Elle a publié plusieurs études sur la poésie et la fiction françaises et francophones. Sa curiosité éclectique l’a amenée à interroger les relations de la littérature, de la culture et des arts. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur des thèmes transversaux qui sont au cœur des préoccupations de la société au tournant du XXIe siècle.

A paraître : Les territoires de l’imaginaire dans la littérature française et francophone, Centre de Publication Universitaire, juin 2023, Tunisie.

Françoise Hatchuel

Anthropologisation et subjectivation en contexte hypermoderne : du déconditionnement à l’autorité au risque de désancrage

Françoise Hatchuel, est professeure des universités en sciences de l’éducation et la formation à l’Université Paris Nanterre et responsable de l’équipe « savoir, rapport au savoir et processus de transmission » au sein du Cref (Centre de recherches éducation-formation). Ses travaux, à l’articulation de l’anthropologie et de la psychanalyse, portent d’un côté sur la prise en compte de la subjectivité et de la place des sujets dans les pratiques professionnelles, et d’un autre côté sur la façon dont les sujets et les sociétés accueillent et accompagnent les plus jeunes, et sur le rôle du savoir (et de l’acceptation du non-savoir) dans ces processus. Elle est responsable du parcours de master « clinique de la formation » qui forme notamment à la prise en compte de la subjectivité et la dimension inconsciente dans les métiers dits « du lien ». Agrégée de mathématiques de formation, très tôt engagée dans les mouvements écologistes, puis plus tard dans une démarche analytique personnelle, elle situe son engagement à la croisée de la rigueur scientifique, de la défense des valeurs humanistes et du « prendre soin » (de son environnement, des autres, de soi).

Jad Hatem

Coexistence et éducation

Jad Hatem a entrepris des études de philosophie, de lettres françaises, de théologie catholique et de sciences religieuses. En 1976, il devient professeur de philosophie, de littérature et de sciences religieuses à l’université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth. Ancien chef du département de philosophie de l’USJ (1981-1996, 2005-2014), il y est actuellement directeur du Centre d’études Michel Henry. Il a fondé et dirigé les revues Extasis (1980-1993), L’Orient des dieux (2001-2009) et La Splendeur du Carmel (1989-…). IRIS : Annales de philosophie de l’Université Saint-Joseph (1981-2020).
Il est également rédacteur en chef de la revue philosophique Alcinoé qui en est à son dixième numéro.

Autres informations: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jad_Hatem

Alis Oancea

Doing knowledge exchange, engagement and impact responsibly: reflections for researchers and their collaborators

Alis Oancea is Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy at the University of Oxford, where she is also a Social Sciences Division Advocate for Impact (Responsible Engagement and Innovation). She is an elected member of the Academy of Social Sciences (United Kingdom). In recent years, she was Director of Research in the Oxford University Department of Education and REF2021 coordinator for the unit. Through scholarly and professional collaborations, she hopes to champion knowledge, justice, generosity, and integrity in research practices and discourses, research policy, research leadership, and cultures in different types of organizations. She has led and collaborated on research projects, change and development initiatives, and administrative processes on impact and knowledge exchange, and held advisory and leadership roles in education reform and research assessment. She has conducted research on research ecosystems, values in research, open knowledge, impact, ethics and integrity, epistemic diversity, research careers, understandings of quality and excellence, research assessment, research in teacher education, philosophy of research, and principled research practice. Alis has been editor of the Oxford Review of Education and of the Review of Education and is chief editorial advisor of Routledge Open Research (Education) and co-editor of the forthcoming ‘Handbook of Meta-Research’ (Elgar). Alis Oancea leads CGHE Project 3, ‘Research on Research: the research function and mission of higher education’.

Jon R. Star

Revisiting the origin of, and reflections on the future of, pedagogical content knowledge

Jon Star is a professor of education at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education. He is an educational psychologist who studies children’s learning of mathematics in middle and high school, particularly algebra. Star’s current research explores the development of flexibility in mathematical problem solving, with flexibility defined as knowledge of multiple strategies for solving mathematics problems and the ability to adaptively choose among known strategies on a particular problem. Star also investigates instructional and curricular interventions that may promote the development of mathematical understanding. In addition, Star is interested in the preservice preparation of middle and secondary mathematics teachers. In addition to his teaching and research responsibilities at Harvard, Star also teaches mathematics at a local middle school. His areas of expertise cover cognitive development, learning design and instruction, teachers, and teaching.

Read more at Jon R. Star | Harvard Graduate School of Education